I address myself to the muslims, to people, being representatives of one of the numerous cultures of the Earth planet. Islam – is a region confessed by many of us. But people, who worship the golden calf, try to use Islam as a tool in their dirty and anti humain games. Thus, through the creating hostility among the muslims, divididng the latter into shias, sunnis and other religious movements they try to disunite us. But iniatially and indisputably is that – that all of us are muslims. And servants of gold and interest are afraid of muslims, united with the common culture. The termination of discords among muslims, consolidation of hundreds of millions under the aegis of the cultural belonging, without the separation in accordance with the particular criteria, this is a threat of fulfillment of ambitions to unlimited world supremacy.
The canons of Muslimhood, forbidding to make a fortune out of your close one, elevate financial speculations to the level of the most terrible sins and totally contradict to principles of cult of profiteering which are worshiped by the creators of endless line of economic crises. The terrorism, is one of the most horrifying demonstrations of evil genius of the mankind, is being associated with Islam. The muslim countries are exposed to unprecedented informational and ideological aggression, Islamic leaders are unfairly accused of crimes and offences against the mankind. The culture, that gifted to the world the greatest scholars and honored art workers, is exposed as backward, wild, aggressive. All this pursue a certain objective – dissociation and enslavement. Lord in the Highest had gifted us a place, which we name acres of land of our ancestors, but the natural resources of those acres, are in sphere of global interests of Anglo -Saxon clique. According to their opinion, Lord in the Highest was wrong.
Until we will turn over the weapon, which enemies put into our arms, against our brothers in race, we shall not become equal among equals. Until, each muslim in four corners in the world will be filled with the sense of understanding one’s cultural identity. Until, will not be formed collective race pride and recognition of unity and self-sustainability. The musims will be a ruled crowd at hands of dirty financiers, politicians and military clique.
“Caliphs for an Hour”, who kill their sisters and brothers in
Ramil LATYPOV, President of Foundation “Islam and World”